Im so happy some days to have this blog as an outlet for keeping myself (somewhat) accountable, journal what Iv'e been getting accomplished, and mostly to share things & ideas, as I roam blogland for inspiration too! Im so thankful for each and everyone of your comments whether I have time to visit your blog or have time to comment back. With 3 kids, a dog , 2 cats, 7 fish.....and whatever else lurks around this yard I always seem to have my hands full. So in honor of that, I had so many lovely comments on that gorgeous turquiose tablecloth I thrifted back a post or 2, I thought I would give this one away! I found this gorgeous, one very similar the other day while out thrifting-its in mint condition!!!! So I thought I would do a random draw for it! Leave a comment if your in!

Isn't it lovely? I just had to share-I guess i dont need 2!

Do any of your children seem to be addicted to those "My littlest Pet shop" pets? My daughter is totally infatuated with them,and her whole birthday party theme is "Littlest Pet Shop " Birthday Party. We plan to make crafty pet carriers, have an adoption center (above) with printed adoption papers(made on computer). These guys above are all up for adoption, the kids will chose who they want & fill in the adoption sheet, and write they're name on the collars. We made those together with some fun foam & hang tags. I made a bunch of leashes too for them to buy in the little "store" where they will buy pet accessories & play store with cash registers & fake money. Im going to make all "little " food too. It should be fun! I got alot of these ideas of a party website-cant remeber which but there isnt very many, & it had some fabulous party ideas! I hope to be taking lots of pictures, Some of the children are dressing up like pets too!

This is another beautiful tablecloth I found thrifting at the same time. Im not always into green but this linen was just so nice. Couldn't you just see it as a skirt?
Oooh please throw my name in the hat! Love the tablecloth. Just found one this weekend at an estate sale that I love as well. Posted it on my blog:) Those eggs are absolutely delightful!!!
Happy Spring
You've got a beautiful blog. Very inspiring. Congratulations, I'd love add my name to the draw too....
oh, the group bunny picture is fabulous... makes me want to write, 'have a tumble '.. anyway please add my name. and i love the eggs! (and the tablecloth)
Your eggs are DARLING! I once got all drunk on inspiration when the stuffie cakes hit the blogs. Bought all the supplies and found out my fine motor skills were not what I imagined they'd be. Anyhoo... I've had the felt and goodies waiting in the wings to be made into something - and you've inspired me with your eggs! {{{SMACK}}}
The green fab... I have placemats like that. I think the fab comes from India (I bought them at Cost Plus). I bought them to make into something else (also waiting in the wings to be made into something). Your tablecloth WOULD make a great skirt!
I love your blog, and your idea with the Littlest Pet Shop toys is wonderful! My kids have not found those particular things yet, but being boys, they tend to gravitate towards cars or things that can cause destruction lol. Please throw my name in the hat, I have NO luck finding gorgeous tablecloths like that around here!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing! That tablecloth is gorgeous... you are very generous to share!
I'm a big fsn of your etsy shop. Your Spring creations are lovely!
Love the green - and it would be great as a skirt or as is!
I agree on the blog thing - right now I have a good friend who gets the "list" from me periodically and then the "completed" but a blog would be nice just so I can include the photos and have a record. I like the ability to somehow get it recorded!
My 7 year old is crazy about Littlest Pet Shop too. And I'll admit, the little animals are kind of cute in their own way. She also has a "Groovy Pet" that she loves (related to Groovy Girls) so her birthday party was pet related this year too. We made shrinky dink charms for our stuffed pets and ribbon pet collars. I made "puppy chow" treats for their party favors. It was a fun party. I hope yours goes well!
I'm in love with your thrifted table cloth. I would be honored to be entered into your drawing.
Please pull my name!! lol I really enjoy your blog. Very inspirational for me.
Thank You,
It would be great to have my name 'in' for the drawing too!
Lovely fabric for a spring skirt!
An adoption listserve I'm on (because my husband and I are adopting children from Vietnam and china) is discussing of the use of the word "adoption" when referring to things that are not the same as making families forever (Adopt-a-seal, etc.) While some people think it's being over-sensitive, I can see how young adopted children, who already have insecurities about being abandoned, could misinterpret this. Not trying to throw a wet blanket on your party, but I found this interesting in light of the other discussion. Is adopting the stuffed animals part of this Pet Shop craze?
Hi Angie! How kind and generous of you! I would love to be included in your random drawing. That's a gorgeous tabletopper and I have one in every color but blue.
And thank you for the time you put into your blog! I enjoy it very much.
Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks!
Ohh, the tablecloth is so sweet! Very kind of you! I would love to be added!
You have a lovely blog and I have been a long-time reader! I'm from Halifax, so I do love to see a Canadian craft blog!
Those tablecloths are gorgeous! Love the blue flowers and the green one is just the perfect shade..reminds me of a bandana. :) I've been collecting vintage hankerchiefs for awhile now...there's just something about these old patterns!
those party ideas are so sweet!!! GREAT thinking! :)
i just LOVE those table cloths too - marking my name down for a spot for hte drawing :) hehe
My girl is into any little stuffed animal she sees!! As a little girl she liked animals more than dolls.
Oh, those eggs. I love the pretty spring colors.
Table cloth? Well, yes I would love the chance to add my name. You are so generous.
Hi Angie, you are so generous to share your bounty! Please add my name to the hat, would love to take part in your drawing. The tablecloth is fab!!
Such pretty things you show to inspire those of us who are of a kindred spirit! I love that tablecloth, as turquoise IS my favorite color!!! Please add my name....and I"m so glad to visit your blog!!! It's pretty!!!
That's very generous of you to have this draw. It's so pretty!
The tablecloth is beautiful. I'd love to be included.
Your party plans are terrific. I wish I'd had the Internet at my fingertips when my kids were little. Love the idea!
count me in on the drawing! it looks adorable! (btw - i am still using your altered clipboard i bought from etsy and it is just so lovely to use on a daily basis!)
Those eggs are so cute. I'm glad I found your blog!
I really love your blog ,it is a great inspiration for me.Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks. Sheila Vanessa from Puerto Rico
I love the party idea!! What a great theme. I'd love to be in the drawing (I'm a little bit of a linens junkie:)) and I think the green would make a gorgeous skirt!!!
Oh my! So so so cute!!
Everything!! The eggs are just the sweetest!! The tablecloth is just plain LOVELY!!, and the idea of a littlest pet shop party...sooo fun!! Love it!! Cannot wait for photos!! : )
I would love to be added to your drawing! So so so sweet of you!! : )
Best Wishes!
Happy Spring!!
xoxo Jenny
I feel odd leaving my name in a drawing so I don't do it very often (I am totally weird, I guess). I deliberately waited until today to comment so I wouldn't be included--instead, I just want to drop you a note to say how lovely it all is and I really love the felt (?) Easter eggs.
It sounds like you're planning the cutest birthday party ever! What a great idea.
The turquoise table cloth is lovely. Please count me in for the drawing.
The green would make a beautiful skirt, especially with the border print along the hem.
That is just the cutest idea for a birthday party. I bet your daughter and her friends will have a wonderful time.
I instantly thought skirt when I saw that green---very cute!
I definately see that green linen table cloth as a skirt, and with your sewing talents I imagine it will become one soon !!
I'd love to put my name into the giveaway for the other table cloth, it just shouts out me .. lol
Ooh, I'd love to be in the drawing! And yes, that green tablecloth would look fabulous as a skirt--please share a photo when you've made it!
Its lovely. Everyone has such good luck with their thrifting. And oh, littlest pet shop brings back memories.. so sweet!
Everthing is wonderful, I love the little felt eggs,
I can't believe you're going to give that table cloth away! Count me in the drawing please! And I love your birthday party idea, I would have gone crazy over that as a kid. Remember Pound Puppies? I had a whole litter! :)
Love those felt eggs, too!
Your blog is so much fun.... I was out today and found a great box for utensils and it was red/ gold with a little star on the front. Really cheesy velvet on the inside but.... I love the look. I also got an old tab glass... a "P" (present) for my bf. Thank you for the blogging. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Also, what a great idea for the party. Where did you get your toys???? My daughter would love this.
P.S. I also LOVE the felt eggs.
LOVIN' the eggs!!
Oooh! Lovely tablecloth! Please put my name in the drawing too! (eventhough I NEVER win these things, darn it!) Thanks so much for doing a giveaway! So sweet of you! They really are fun!
I would love to win that. It's gorgeous. You are so generous. Many thanks for all of your inspiration you provide here. You are mega talented. -Alisa
How kind of you to find a table cloth that perfectly matches my kitchen and just when I need a new table cloth.Please add me too
Please add my name to the drawing for the tablecloth - if I'm not too late! Beautiful photos!
PLease add me to the drawing if I am not too late...I am glad you blog because I love to see your creations that are so beautiful...I love your style, its very feminine and delicate!
Add me too if I'm not late. Love all your creations... fingers crossed!
oooh, count me in!
Please put my name in the hat! You find the most amazing things in thrift stores. I must live in a dull town, because I never find the great things that you do.
I'd love to throw my name in the hat if it's not too late - love your blog!!
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