Friday, September 03, 2010
Sunday, April 19, 2009
     Well since I have surfaced from the underworld, momentarily, I thought I would do a major de-stash to motive me into stitching mode. I added a few things to the shop:) Hopefully it works! ~cheers~
Sunday, April 12, 2009
wow time flies.....
 Boy has time ever slipped away on me! I have Christmas music still on here! I have long lost all my blogger pals , blogs when a few months ago my computer crashed & I lost everything, most importanty, my faves. So, I slowly and surely am lurking the net for you all!  I cant even remeber how to turn my pictures, how ridiculous is that?  A peek at the NBC Womens trade show , with us at our "Organic Maid Housecleaning" Booth, and the reason Ive been so crazy busy!  And our girl & her little friend helping out at the neighboring "juice Plus" Booth. What a blast, it was so fun. Joshua Morrow came from the Y&R soap,yes he was pretty hot. We are all awaiting summer, and watching the snow melt these days. This Momma was in my yard last month, with her babe alongside. They actually jumped into my dog kennel area. It was quite a sight to see!  Cheers for now:)
Friday, December 05, 2008
Happy Holidays!
 Merry Christmas from our family to yours! You are very special to me ! happy 2008!  
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Im Alive
 Hello again! I know its a miracle, im updating my blog!! Yippppeeee......I am really alive ...I think. I have been working the housekeeping business I started 6 days a week full time since summer & have been so tired , hiding out:) Its been crazy and i miss you all very much. I hope to have some time to squeeze in some Christms crafts before new years. I actually feel so out of the whole blog world, i have lost all my friends & links when my computer crashed this summer. I hope to visit everyone again soon, & miss you all! heres a peek at the cute logo a friend made up for my biz cards. Chow:)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Hello Again!
 Wow...oh my goodness, its been awhile! So much has happened this summer its been kinda crazy! I sure have missed all you guys! Between work & fun, summercamp & our weird weather, we are finally getting things acomplished. I quit working at Michaels too and started my own business and its going great! It was fun and I will miss most of the people there but man who can live on 4 hours a week? Anyways I figured I can get just as good of a discount by using my coupon!  So i did have a chance awhile back to make a couple pinkeeps. I listed them in the shop.Im dying to get back at my stitching, but it might be awhile.
We have had a few random visitors here as well, look who were wandering down the road! They have now been brought back to their home. The kids had a blast with them so it was worth them demolishing all my strawberry plants and vines.
Then we had a crazy week long lightning storm in the evenings, my son snapped this picture out our front window right at the end of one of the storms.
Oh yeah, & cant forget about the Mexican fiesta party we had for our son whos 14. They had virgin margaritas, chicken wings, tacos, and other goodies. Then they all went out & slept in the tent , which wa kinda nice. So many things to little time, be back soon! Miss you all.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
DeStash Day
 Its clean out day!  vintage trims & buttons, some new , some old....  new & old trims & ribbon,  and new & old lace,  For sale in the Shop!